All your Dental Needs at One Convenient Location
How We Help
Our Process
Thank you for choosing us as your dental provider.
We aim to make you as welcome to our Practice as our existing patients are.
You will be assigned a dentist that suits your dental needs as closely as possible.
It would be extremely helpful for you to complete the oral health questionnaire and medical history form provided.
Your dentist will:
- Take a comprehensive medical history.
- Record your previous dental history.
- Take basic radiographs and report on them.
- Perform a basic dental and gum examination.
- Provide a diagnosis of any problems.
- Discuss treatment options Individual itemized estimates are always provided. A follow-up appointment will be made for more complex issues.
What we offer
All Your Dental Needs at One
Convenient Location
Extraction Treatments
• Surgical removal of impacted teeth.
• Extractions.
Preventive Treatments
• Scaling & Polishing (cleaning)
• General consultation
Restorative Treatments
• Root Canal Treatment
• Dental Fillings
• Crown and bridge
Cosmetic Treatments
• Orthodontic treatments (braces and clear alignments)
• Teeth Whitening (bleaching and veneers)